This is the alternate color for the Orchid Seed Ryofu Housen released at the end of 2007. I bought this used from Mandarake. I actually ordered it at the same time as I did the Toheart2 figures I posted about but the items were at different stores so I decided to have this one shipped SAL instead. it took about two weeks to arrive. I am not an Ikkitousen fan at all and do not typically watch similar shows but I do have some knowledge of the characters. Since the figure is slightly used there is a little bit of discoloration. Part of the reason for the flaws is due to the paint job by Orchid Seed.

For a short rating, here is my impressions. This is a B+ figure and a solid purchase. I like the design, the build quality is good and it has interchangeable parts/ cast-off-able. The downsides would be the chair feels cheaply constructed and the paint... it rubs off and bleeds! It is perfectly normal for older figures to have some paint rubbing. This particular figure though, they used some very rich paint and it rubs off a bit. It mostly occurs on the underside and is not noticeable. As you can see, the chair is very red and some of the red from the cushion has rubbed off onto her skirt. My particular item was man-handled by someone with dirty fingers and I had to clean her arms off, lol... What I wish this figure did have was interchangeable faces. The expression she currently has is just plain. Typically when you put your index finger on your cheek, you smile. Honestly, I have no clue what she is thinking in this pose. Overall I am pleased with this figure but I may not keep it in my collection permanently. In the mean time, into the card board box under the nendoroids she goes!